We are thrilled to announce that we are an official winner of Camden in Bloom, competing against entries from all over the borough of Camden.

Camden in Bloom is Camden Council’s yearly competition celebrating the best gardens in the borough. Out of the four categories, Best Community Garden, Camden Young Gardener, Best Mini Garden and Camden in Bloom Photo Competition, we won two awards for the Best Community Garden and the Camden in Bloom Photo Competition (check out the winning photos below).

Our Community Park is an important part of the community. At over 4 acres, it is the largest green space in Camden Town. It is open all year round and is home to an Edible Garden Growing Space, Horticulture Hub and Wildflower areas. The park is managed by our Environmental Project Manager, Catherine, our Caretaker, George, and a dedicated team of local heroes/volunteers.

Whether they’re out collecting litter, growing fruit and vegetables, or maintaining the thousands of species of plants and flowers, our volunteers go above and beyond, come rain or shine, to make our Community Garden an attractive & enjoyable space for the whole community.

On Thursday, 20th October, we hosted a small ceremony in our Horticulture Hub on behalf of Camden Council and the other winners.
The Mayor of Camden, Nasim Ali, attended the ceremony and enjoyed a special tour of our sensory herbs and plants.

The Camden in Bloom competition will run again next year in April. In the meantime, please visit and enjoy our award-winning Community Garden. Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to eat your lunch, a place to walk the dogs, meet friends, or learn new growing skills, our park is here for you. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter for all the freshly cut news from our community park here. Or if you would like to help us maintain our community park, we’re always looking for hands. Please email catherine@castlehaven.org.uk for more information.