On Tuesday 5th November, we hosted a hugely successful food growing celebration in Clarence Hall. Funded by Camden Council, this event saw over 70 people from all over Camden come together and share stories about their own food growing journeys. 

The event offered a lively mix of delicious food, engaging talks, Q&As, crafts, and plenty of conversation! With stalls and speakers from Feast with Us, South End Green & Mansfield Allotments, Think & Do Camden, London Met University, Camden Food Partnership, and Hackney Right to Grow, highlighting existing food growing projects across Camden and beyond. 

In addition to the popular talks and Q&As, the hall featured beautifully decorated stalls from local organisations and Camden Council. Attendees could create mini-bouquets from herbs grown in our Community Park, map their own food-growing spaces, and share their experiences, fostering collaboration and inclusivity.

Everyone who came along said it was a great chance to meet locals who are at different stages of their food growing journey. We’re hoping to have a follow up event in Spring which can bring everyone together again and provide a useful long-term network for food growers in Camden. 

We’re incredibly grateful to Camden Council for funding the event and mapping local food-growing spaces, and to our incredible speakers, Ellie Butterworth, Caroline Kennedy, Debbie Bourne, Jane McAlliste, Naomi Braybrooke, and Glyn Harries for their insightful talks.

Thanks also to local caterers Happy Valley and BESOUL for the delicious vegetarian and vegan food. Most of all, a huge thanks to our amazing volunteers, who welcomed guests, captured photos, prepared food and decorations, helped with clean-up, and shared information about our Community Park and growing spaces. We couldn’t of done it without you 💚